The bands at Mary Passage Middle School are school based ensembles made up of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. The band is divided into three different performing ensembles: Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced. Students performing in the beginning ensemble are those who have no experience playing a musical instrument and take this class to learn all the basic fundamentals needed for their instrument of choice. The beginning ensemble performs at both the winter and spring concerts.
The Intermediate Band of Passage Middle School is an ensemble made up of students who have played an instrument for at least one year. Musicians in this ensemble are able to begin further developing their fundamentals and techniques to more advnaced skills. The Intermediate ensemble performs at both the winter and spring concerts and will partake in the VBODA Concert Assessment as well as have the opportunity to compete in the Music in the Parks music festival in the Spring.
The advanced band of Passage Middle School is an ensemble made up of students who have played an instrument for one or more years. Musicians in this ensemble are able to further develop their fundamentals and techniques and perform more challenging selections of music. The advanced ensemble performs at both the winter and spring concerts and will partake in the VBODA Concert Assessment event as well compete in the Music in the Parks music festival in the spring. The advanced group is a Superior performing group and has gained a reputation across the city of Newport News. They have alson traveled to locations such as The National Christmas Tree in Washington D.C., Six Flags America and Hersheypark, PA where they received First Place and Best Overall Middle School Band.