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Music Department Handbook

Musician Expectations

Band Musician Expectations

Band musicians are expected to...

  • prepared daily with their instrument and supplies

  • ...strive to perfect performance skills by following the director’s instructions in and out of the classroom

  • ...enter the classroom, document their homework, remove their instrument

  • from the case, be seated, place their music on their stand, and begin warming up

  • ...become silent when the Director takes the podium at the beginning of class / rehearsal.

  • ...become silent when the conductor cuts off the band, and remain silent when the conductor gives instructions.

  • ...follow appropriate rehearsal etiquette: raising a hand to speak, being respectful to all instruments, and be respectful to the music selections.

  • ...upon dismissal, pack up instrument, flip over music stand, and leave the classroom quietly.

  • present and timely for all performances, rehearsals, and events they are scheduled to attend.


Chorus Musician Expectations

  • Students are to come prepared to class. They should have a positive attitude and all materials which include music, a pocketed folder, and a sharpened pencil.

  • At no time should there be food or beverages in the chorus room or rehearsal area. This includes gum and candy.

  • Students are expected to maintain rehearsal decorum. Excessive talking, inattentiveness, and other disruptions are not appropriate and will not be tolerated.

  • Students are expected to practice independently outside of rehearsals.

  • Students are responsible for delivering written communications to parents regarding rehearsals, events, and performances. Parents may be required to sign a form indicating that they have received this information. There may be occasions when students will perform off-campus and parents must grant permission for students to participate. Students leaving campus must have a blue emergency data card on file with the director and a signed permission form.


Orchestra Musician Expectations

Orchestra musicians are expected to...

  • prepared daily with their instrument, binder, and supplies

  • ...strive to improve performance skills by following the director’s instructions in and out of the classroom

  • ...enter the classroom / stage, remove their instrument from the case, be seated, place their music on their stand, follow the tuning procedure and then warming up

  • ...become silent when the Director takes the podium at the beginning of class / rehearsal.

  • ...become silent when the conductor cuts off the orchestra, and remain silent when the conductor gives instructions.

  • ...follow appropriate rehearsal etiquette: raising a hand to speak, being respectful to all instruments, and be respectful to the music selections.

  • ...upon dismissal, pack up instrument, flip over music stand, and leave the classroom quietly.

  • present and timely for all performances, rehearsals, and events they are scheduled to attend.


Piano Lab Musician Expectations

Piano Lab musicians are expected to...

  • prepared daily with their supplies

  • …complete homework assignments and, if possible, practice for the amount of time necessary to be prepared for class everyday

  • ...strive to perfect performance skills by following the instructor’s directions in and out of the classroom

  • ...enter the classroom, be seated, set-up their workstation for the class, warm-up, and be ready for further instruction

  • ...become silent and listen when the instructors gives directions or provides instruction to the class

  • ...follow appropriate rehearsal etiquette: raising a hand to speak, being respectful to all instruments, and be respectful to the music selections

  • ...upon dismissal, clean-up the workstation, collect belongings, and leave the classroom quietly.

  • present and timely for all performances, rehearsals, and events they are scheduled to attend


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